mark jackson. serving time in bulgaria. letting you know about it.
"Not all those who wander are lost." [J.R. Tolkien]

Monday, May 30, 2005

Random Pictures…

Spring 2005: Some kids from the
'Detelina' orphanage.

I was digging through all my pictures a couple of days ago and found some pretty good ones that I don’t think I have ever posted. So, here are some snap-shots from the past couple years…

Fall 2004: Ummm...No comment.

Winter 2005: A big snow storm in Varna.

Summer 2004: R&R on the beach.

Fall 2004: A baba working on a Christmas present for orphans.

Winter 2005: An orphan in a new crib - purchased by our Orphan Rotary Train Project.

Summer 2004: The Black sea coast - we will be on this beach again for 4th of July.

Winter 2005: Budapest.

Fall 2003: The day I moved to Samokov.

Spring 2005: Sunset on the Blue Mosque, Istanbul

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Roma Festival

A few weeks ago, there was a festival for an international Roma holiday. The schedule included horse races, dinner, and finally a parade and dancing. Has a significant Roma population and – as in everywhere else that I have been in Bulgaria – there is a clear discrimination among the ‘Bulgarian’ population. I could use other words, but since this is a public blog, I will stick to more politically correct lingo and say that they are a highly marginalized community which faces discrimination in education, the work-force, and society at large.

Like any group that is isolated, under-educated, and living in poverty, there are issues of crime, drug use, alcohol abuse, and lack of healthcare. All these issues feed on themselves and just accelerate the downward spiral.

Not all is lost, though. For the next decade, Europe will be implementing the ‘Decade of Roma Inclusion’ in hopes of bringing the problem to the forefront. Here’s hoping.

For more info in the Roma in general:
For more info on the ‘Decade of Roma Inclusion’:
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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Istanbul - not Constantinople

[Blue Mosque]

Well, once again I find myself apologizing for not keeping the site as up to date as I would like. Here is a completely inadequate summary of what I have been up to.


Had five days in Istanbul with my oldest brother. It was amazing. The city has such a long history, it is hard not to get swept up. I would put Istanbul head to head with Prague any day [no small statement].

[Left: The Sultan's Palace -- Right: Tile Work in the Palace]

[Left: The Grand bazaar -- Right: Greek Tablet, Archeological museum]

[My brother's pictures here (link).]


A week after Istanbul, I got sicker than I have ever been since I arrived – I think it was due to some undercooked lamb from a village. But, once I survived, it was back to work.
We have been busy getting projects finished and reports filled out - saving the world one Excel spreadsheet at a time...
The good news is that the projects have mostly gone off without a hitch and I really do feel like I will leave here having done some good.

Anyways, I hope all is well with everyone and hope to hear from you soon,

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