mark jackson. serving time in bulgaria. letting you know about it.
"Not all those who wander are lost." [J.R. Tolkien]

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Things have changed.
Through the miracle of high speed internet – and no small aid from my brother – when you call a certain number with a ‘312’ area code (ie Chicago), you will make the phone sitting on my desk 8 times zones away ring. Strange, strange world. [Email me for the number – I am not going to post it on the website.]

On a completely unrelated point, I am leaving for Hungary this Sunday. 10 days spent mostly in small towns with 40 Bulgarian colleagues - 48+ hours of it on a bus. I was instructed to be sure to bring my bathing suit, food for the bus, and under no circumstances to bring 'dressy' clothes. I really don't have any idea what to expect out of the whole thing but, at worst it should be worth a couple pictures and a tale or two.

Hope all is well,

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