Chicken Soup For Your Anatomy Class...
Everyday, I come home for a lunch break from school. The cuisine varies, but almost always involves meat of some type. Recently, I came home to a bowl of freshly made chicken noodle soup (Nicoli and I had recently ‘processed’ a few chickens). The only quirk was that is was soup with a chicken leg stuck in the broth. I was excited. I started to eat the broth first, in accordance with custom, when I saw something unusual. As I could see more and more of the leg, I realized that it seemed a bit too long. Once the broth got low enough, it revealed its dirty little secret. This chicken leg still had the claw attached, nails and all. It could have doubled as a back scratcher. Needless to say, once the family saw my reaction they lost it. And I, being to stubborn to admit that I did not like chicken claw, ate my way down the entire length of the bone. It got particularly rubbery near the claw part. It was gross.
Hope everyone is doing well,
PS: Sorry for the delays with getting journals posted, Belovo’s internet has gotten much worse for some reason. Hopefully, once I am at my site, I will find a more reliable source.
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Hope everyone is doing well,
PS: Sorry for the delays with getting journals posted, Belovo’s internet has gotten much worse for some reason. Hopefully, once I am at my site, I will find a more reliable source.
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