mark jackson. serving time in bulgaria. letting you know about it.
"Not all those who wander are lost." [J.R. Tolkien]

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

It’s a Carnival…

The weekend after the wedding, Shoumen hosted a Carnival - the Carnival of Fertility, to be exact. It was the storybook combination of parade and rain. No joke.

Your classic burly nurse, fortune teller
and blues brother gathering.

Like any 4th of July or Memorial Day parade, it was different groups from the town who picked a theme and walked with it. I woke up in just enough time to grab my camera and something to eat before it all started. Here are some quick snapshots of the festivities.

These guys had bell belts and would jump around to make music/noise.

The kids from the orphanage [left] and general wetness [right].

Fun Mask.

Bulgaria's Finest. [Both]

No, this is not a picture of me.

The famous EU chicken. They have indian costumes too.

Um. Not really sure what is going on here.

Kids v. Goats

Your typical five headed ram.

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