mark jackson. serving time in bulgaria. letting you know about it.
"Not all those who wander are lost." [J.R. Tolkien]

Friday, September 17, 2004

Tagging Vultures (the prequel)

The great Bulgarian outdoors.

Ok. So, I am leaving at 06.00 tomorrow morning for good old Motown. No, not Detroit - Madjaravo. It is a town of around 500 people and home to the Bulgarian Society for Birds.
'Hey Mark, do you have any experience with wildlife - particularly carnivorous birds - at all?'
Casey (a buddy of mine), myself, and some other volunteers are going to head into the woods and tag vultures. 'Hey Mark, do you have any experience with wildlife - particularly carnivorous birds - at all,' you might ask. No. No, I don't. But, you don't end up doing Peace Corps in Bulgaria by knowing what you are doing all the time. (It that a good thing?)

After that, is my host brothers wedding. The 25th of October. After the last one, I am a touch nervous; but, there really is no turning back. I will keep you up-to-date.

See ya,

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