Happy Baba Marta!
The Bulgarian holidays strike again. Baba (grandma) Marta (taken from the month March) falls on March 1st every year and is the start of a nationwide vigil for the end of winter.
The entire country puts on little red and white strings (martinizas) and waits until they see a Stork; this signifies the start of spring. Once you see the stork, you put your little string on a tree branch or under a rock – for good luck.
I spent the afternoon at the Orphanage. There, baba marta made a special appearance and gave the children each a martiniza as well as a traditional bread with honey.
If you are really interested in the holiday, here is a good article. [link]
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The entire country puts on little red and white strings (martinizas) and waits until they see a Stork; this signifies the start of spring. Once you see the stork, you put your little string on a tree branch or under a rock – for good luck.
I spent the afternoon at the Orphanage. There, baba marta made a special appearance and gave the children each a martiniza as well as a traditional bread with honey.
If you are really interested in the holiday, here is a good article. [link]
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